
Friday, October 15, 2010

Update on Life: Oblock is going INTERNATIONAL!

So, I dunno how many people read my blogs...or if anyone reads them at all....hahaha.... but I figured I would blog about my big update in life...

Since graduating in the summer, the topic of what I'm going to wise..future wise...has been coming up a lot. I mean it makes sense... I'm done with all the schooling that I'm gonna do (no chance I'm gonna go for a masters haha) and the obvious next step in my life is to find a job and start making that cash $$ haha. And throughout my last semester in college and until recently, I had an idea of what I wanted to do in the future, but I never really thought that the time to make a decision of turning idea into reality would come so fast...if that makes any sense. Although it was just an idea, it was an idea that I found to be super exciting...but at the same time it would be a life changing decision... which kind of scared me..scares me? But after talking to my family and close friends, I've decided.... to move out to Japan.

So I've decided I'm going to be leaving for Japan in January...I haven't set an actual date yet..but January is when I'll be leaving for sure, if not sooner. If i lock up an interview within the next few months or find a job opportunity, I will  be leaving before that. For now the plan is, I'm going to stay at my grandma's at the bar that she owns and runs..and look for jobs in Tokyo.

And so for the next 3 last 3 months in the US, I'll be fixing up my resume and cover letter...applying for jobs...learning japanese and I'll be in party mode/having the most fun i can. haha.